(01 Juillet 2011) trouvé cacatoès à Vancouver BC

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(01 Juillet 2011) trouvé cacatoès à Vancouver BC

Messagepar Jojo » lun. oct. 24, 2011 7:54 pm

Vu sur 911parrotalert : http://www.911parrotalert.com/found/fou ... mmer-2011/
Species: Cockatoo (See species list for details)
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Date Found: July 1, 2011
Phone Number: cl-only
Original URL: http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/van/p ... 01878.html
Found Cockatoo (Vancouver Area), Cockatoo was found over four months ago by a rescue organization and has since been recovering from injuries. She is currently staying in a foster home.

If you are missing a cockatoo, this may be your little girl. Please let us know what species of cockatoo you lost and if she had any distinctive behaviours or markings.

Sent this listing to finder:
STOLEN: Canada, BC, Langley, Umbrella Cockatoo ‘Buddy’, Jun 01.11
Présidente Perroquetsecours

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