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Posté : mer. juil. 22, 2015 5:39 pm
par akki
Hello! I am sorry for not speaking French, but I was happy to find this site and this forum :)

My husband, I and our two (now three) lovely lovebirds moved to Montreal from the Netherlands six months ago. Since I am really passionate about parrots, I thought I will join here and meet other like-minded people! Oh and my French is not existent, so navigating this forum is really a challenge for me, I apologise in advance for posting things in wrong places :D

Re: Hi!

Posté : mer. juil. 22, 2015 9:05 pm
par Jojo
You're doing just fine and you are at the right place. We tried to make this forum english friendly so people who lost or found a bird can find their way around. Our front page is easier to navigate because it is fully bilingual. To make this forum fully bilangual, we would have to have 2 forums and that is a little har to do with all the work we have in the lost and found.

Happy to welcome you here! Enjoy!