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Posté : dim. déc. 23, 2012 10:58 pm
par Jojo
When a call is issued to all, we will subsequently publish them here.

We will provide the poster to print, the streets and areas to cover within your search. All volunteers available to put up posters and to help find the lost bird will be appreciate when a call for all is issued. The time factor is very important when it is cold or when the bird is on medication, so our time reaction can save the life of a lost bird.

It is also very important to publish all relevant information in order to help locate the bird in question, in the case he has been seen elsewhere or otherwise. You can also mention where posters were put up.

If you have information that can help us solve a bird case, please contact Perroquetsecours at: or call us at 450-567-8765. We guarantee you will remain anonymous.

Perroquetsecours wants to remind that anyone who finds a bird has a legal duty to make every possible effort to trace the rightful owner and if the case, the bird must be handed over as soon as possible. Otherwise, know that you expose yourself to lawsuits since you have no ownership on this found parrot.

Thank you to all the people and volunteers who will reply to a call for all!