About a little cockatiel named Fang reunited 4 days after he escaped

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About a little cockatiel named Fang reunited 4 days after he escaped

Messagepar Jojo » jeu. nov. 10, 2016 2:17 pm

From owner:
Fang’s Story

Halloween evening, Oct. 31, around 6:30, I stepped outside not noticing that our yellow Cockatiel, Fang, was on my shoulder. He got frightened by the noise and flew away. He was fully flighted (unclipped). We searched all evening, calling for him but couldn’t find him. I placed a notice with Perroquet Secours. The following days, we did more searching but no luck.

Friday morning, Nov. 4 around 9 AM, I got a call saying that Fang had been found. He was about 1.8 km north of home on the other side of the Trans Canada near des Sources blvd. He was weak but otherwise in good condition. On your recommendation I took him to the Montreal Bird and Exotic Animal hospital on Sherbrooke W. where they treated him for dehydration and hunger.

We got him back Saturday afternoon and he is now happy and very healthy and survived the cold and rainy nights with no issue that we can see. He us very happy and totally normal. A very tough little bird.

Thank you for all your help.

Glenn Waters
Présidente Perroquetsecours

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