(26 Août 2011) perdu gris d'Afrique à Vancouver nord CB

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(26 Août 2011) perdu gris d'Afrique à Vancouver nord CB

Messagepar Jojo » lun. août 29, 2011 11:04 pm

Vu sur 911parrotalert : http://www.911parrotalert.com/lost/lost ... aug-26-11/
Species: African Grey (See species list for details)
Location: North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Date Lost: August 26, 2011
Banded: Yes
Original URL: http://birdmart.com/classifieds/lost/to ... 19.16.html
Our lost parrot responds the name Sunny…he is an African Gray parrot, (gray body) and has a red tail. He also has a red ID bracelet on his foot. He was lost on August 26 2011. Please contact me if u have found or seen this bird, we just want him home safely. Thankyou.

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