Shaba is back home !

-Témoignages de gens touchés par cette cause qu'est celle des oiseaux perdus/trouvés/volés. Cette section est également réservée aux gens qui auraient des remerciements à faire aux bénévoles de ce site, qui auraient mené aux retrouvailles de propriétaires d'oiseaux entre autres.
-Testimonies of people affected by this cause involving lost/found/stolen birds. This section is also reserved for people who would like to thank the volunteers who have led to bird owners reunion among others.
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Shaba is back home !

Messagepar Jojo » mar. oct. 05, 2021 10:16 pm

Thank you for your kind words!

Yes feel free to share our story, attached I have sent a pic of Shaba with my mom who he has the most bond with giving her kisses!

We spotted him last night near the area, but flew away, my parents went back towards the area he flew too around 7am this morning, a gentlemen that lives near by had seen the flyers and postings, and spotted my parents looking for Shaba so he joined them to look for our baby, he knocked at everyone’s door asking for permission to look in the backyards, and sure enough after 2 hours of looking, he was sitting on someone’s basket of flower that were hanging by her deck! My mom was able to grab him! He’s home being looked after now, keeping him warm! But he’s excited as you will see giving kisses back to my mom!!

I hope this will give everyone hope to keep looking for their feathery baby!

Thank you

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