(08 Avril 2011) perdu Amazone à front bleu à Sidney BC

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(08 Avril 2011) perdu Amazone à front bleu à Sidney BC

Messagepar Jojo » dim. avr. 10, 2011 8:12 pm

Vu sur 911parrotalert :
LOST: Canada, BC, Sidney/N. Saanich, Blue Front Amazon 'Sheena', Apr Message List
Reply Message #87444 of 87453 < Prev | Next >

LOST Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot (Sidney, North Saanich Area)
Date: 2011-04-08, 10:00AM PDT
Reply to: comm-7atpd-2312962237 (AT) craigslist.org

Very Friendly blue fronted amazon parrot
Name: Sheena
Lost near Airport in Sidney.
If found, please call:
Phyllis or Mike: 250 882-6447 or 778 977-3100

•Location: Sidney, North Saanich Area
•it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2312962237


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