Adoptive families selection

-Malheureusement, malgré tous les efforts déployés, on ne retrouve pas toujours le propriétaire d'un oiseau trouvé. Et parfois, il arrive que les gens qui l'ont recueilli ne puissent le garder. Dans cette rubrique, il est permis de publier une mise en adoption ou votre désir d'adopter une espèce en particulier. Toutefois, la vente et l'échange d'oiseaux y sont interdits. Si vous devez récupérer certains frais, vous pourrez en discuter avec la personne concernée par mp. Merci!
-Unfortunately, despite all efforts, we do not always find the owner of a found bird. Sometimes people who found a bird, can not keep him. In this section, it is allowed to publish a formal adoption or your desire to adopt a particular species. However, birds for sale or trade are prohibited. If you need to recover some of your costs, you can discuss it with the concerned person in private. Thank you!
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Adoptive families selection

Messagepar Jojo » mar. déc. 25, 2012 12:22 am

At Perroquetsecours, we select adoptive families for the birds under our care, according to some strict criteria:

* A prospective adopters form must be completed to help us make a selection.
* An adoption contract must be signed and Perroquetsecours always keeps a hand on the adopted bird.
* It is forbidden to insert the adopted bird in a breeding program.
* It is illegal to sell, exchange or give the adopted bird and in the event, will return to Perroquetsecours.
* One of our volunteers may visit you at your home to ensure that the bird has a suitable environment.

If you meet these criteria, you can apply for adoption at the following link:
We will contact you as soon as possible, once the form is received and the selection is made by our committee board members.

Thank you!
Présidente Perroquetsecours

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