(Sept. 01.15) found chicken Quispamsis NB

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(Sept. 01.15) found chicken Quispamsis NB

Messagepar Doo » mer. sept. 02, 2015 9:07 pm

Perroquetsecours Wanted Notice

Date : September 1st, 2015
Status : Found
Species : Chicken
Bird's name :
Distinguishing Characteristics :
Location, Country, State, Province, City : Quispamsis (near Saint Jonh) NB
Street, intersection, area : at the East-Riverside Park
Band or microchip ID :
Details :
Contact name : Perroquetsecours
Contact phone : 450-567-8765
Contact email : avisderecherche@perroquetsecours.com
Original Listing URL : http://www.kijiji.ca/v-lost-and-found-p ... nFlag=true
Listing from : Kijiji
Quote :
Cuz we found one at the East-Riverside Park Tues night on the 1st of Sept.

It was just hanging around the parking lot for quite awhile and even ended up on top of our car at one point lol. It is very gentle and quite tame too, so no doubt it is somebody's pet who just "flew the coop" :)

So if you live near that dog park, and you are missing a chicken, kindly give us a call with a description of your awol chicken, and you can have it back, that is, only if you promise not to make soup out of it...however tasty that may seem.

It is being kept safely and securely in our rabbit hutch, which is ok with us, but not so much with the rabbits, who aren't at all happy about it and want it back asap. So, the sooner we find the owners of this chicken, the sooner our rabbits will get their hutch back and once again be our friends.

Call or text John ... (pls don't email) to arrange a viewing of a chicken "line-up" where you, if you correctly identify this escapee who "crossed the road", can get it back.
Picture or poster :

Perroquetsecours will automatically send to whom it may concern and as soon as possible, all information received as relevant that could lead to the reunion of this bird with its owner. Contact the original listing URL or contact Perroquetsecours at : Avisderecherche@perroquetsecours.com

If this an urgent matter contact : 450-567-8765

Confidential Information : http://www.perroquetsecours.com/forums/ ... 43&t=16659

To follow the bird's historic, visit the following URL : viewtopic.php?f=182&t=16658&p=64248#p64248

The owner offering a reward does on its own initiative. Therefore, Perroquetsecours shall not be held responsible or liable for any payment regarding any reward offered or implied by anyone in any advertisements or articles published on its website or any other partner sites.

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Enregistré le : jeu. juil. 12, 2012 2:17 pm
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Re: (Sept. 01.15) found chicken Quispamsis NB

Messagepar Doo » mer. sept. 02, 2015 9:08 pm

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Re: (Sept. 01.15) found chicken Quispamsis NB

Messagepar Jojo » mer. sept. 02, 2015 9:38 pm

We also published it on our partners Facebook page and on our own and also on our Twitter.
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